Call For Papers
All accepted papers will be published in E-Proceeding. Selected papers will be published in journals indexed by SCOPUS, AIP Conference Proceedings and refereed journals.
The International Conference on Education, Mathematics and Science 2018 (ICEMS 2018) in conjunction with the 6th International Postgraduate Conference on Science and Mathematics 2018 (IPCSM 2018) invites all academicians, researchers, postgraduate students and practitioners worldwide to present the latest research work and findings in the following areas:
Mathematics/Mathematics Education
Biology/Biology Education
Chemistry/Chemistry Education
Physics/Physics Education
Science/Science Education.
Engineering Education / Technology Education
The objectives of this event are:
To bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, postgraduate students and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Education, Mathematics and Science.
To provide the premier interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners, educators and postgraduate students to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Education, Mathematics and Science.
To provide opportunities for research collaboration and networking with various local, international universities and industries.
Please follow the template below
Abstract should be submitted via the Microsoft CMT System
Papers must be written in English and should describe original work, which has not been published or being reviewed for other conferences.
Full-paper in .doc or .pdf format is limited to six (6) pages.
Kindly refer to the Full Paper Template for templates, Copyright Transfer Agreement and other related documents.
All papers should be submitted via the Microsoft CMT System

Best Paper presenter will be awarded for each cluster.
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Selected papers will be published in SCOPUS-indexed journals or refereed journals WITHOUT additional publication fee.