Thanks to all Participants
Welcome to ICEMS 2018 in Conjunction with 6th IPCSM 2018
The International Conference on Education, Mathematics and Science 2018 (ICEMS 2018) in conjunction with the 6th International Postgraduate Conference on Science and Mathematics 2018 (IPCSM 2018) is an annual event hosted by the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). This year the Department of Physics Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris has been given the responsibility to organize the event. The selected theme for this year is “Engaging and Inspiring 21st Century STEM Learners”. The major focus areas are Science and Mathematics core disciplines, and Mathematics and Science Education.
UPSI is committed to provide platforms for academicians, researchers, postgraduate students and practitioners with innovative and creative minds to share the latest discoveries in mathematics and science. Through the sharing of knowledge in this conference, academicians, researchers, postgraduate students and practitioners may broaden their horizon with recent advances in various fields of mathematics and science. Consequently, this conference gives fresh impetus for our young, innovative generation to face future challenges in a sustainable manner. In addition, opportunities for research collaboration and networking with various local and international universities can be enhanced.
Chemistry / Chemistry Education
Biology / Biology Education
Physics / Physics Education
Science / Science Education
Mathematics / Mathematics Education
Engineering Education /
Technology Education
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Selected papers will be published in SCOPUS-indexed journals or refereed journals WITHOUT additional publication fee